To the people of the Land of Goodness, as described in the Holy Quran.
To the people of civilization and history and knowledge.
To the people of pioneering urbanization and the owners of civilization since Sheba and Qataban and
Ma,in and Hadhramaut and Hamir.
To the people of wisdom since the rule of Balqis.
To the people of a country like no other. A country that was called The Rich Land in the Old Testament
and The Holy Land by the ancient Egyptians. A country that was called the Country of Palaces and
Wonder Country and the Holy Land.
To you, the people of Happy Yemen, as no other nation has ever been described by the Prophet Muhammad, when He said: “The people of Yemen will come to you. They have the most tender minds and
the softest hearts. Wisdom and faith are Yemeni,” as he admired your unity and sympathy in the hardships that make you as equals.
To the owners of gentle and soft hearts, and the people endowed with wisdom. The wisdom that can
never be absent from one nation, one blood, one root and one land.
To the people who believe in one God and one religion. The bloodshed between your people is haram.
Why do you drain your resources, and destroy your country, and the lives of each other?
Why do you destroy your civilization, your progress and your glory?
Why abandon your family?
Why do you turn your own children into orphans, and deprive them of enjoying a calm and serene life in
a country that has always been lauded as a happy one?
Everyone; I refer to all the parties fighting on political and the devastating war scenes, is a loser in war
as war brings nothing but destruction, loss, devastation, hatred and riots, war causes scourge and separation to spread. So how can this happen between the people of one land and one nation? War destroys your foundations, your relationships and the kinship, causing nothing but destruction and ignorance.
What Yemen are you fighting for when you’ve destroyed every corner of your country? Why don’t you
use reason, when you are the ones who were described as wise? Why do you teach the language of war
and fighting rather than the language of dialogue, when you are the owners of eloquence? Why don’t you
sit at a table and talk, negotiate, and discuss what is best?
You should agree and disagree without bloodshed, and without wars, as the people of one home.
Brought together with affection, familiarity, love and the interest of one united nation. Offer yourselves
and your children a future that is built on the foundation of science, knowledge and development. Plan
your growth and progress, and keep up with the civilization that you were once at the forefront of.
You are all responsible and accountable for the state that your country is in; the country we care for and
love and are concerned about its security and stability. You are the first to shake hands, so shake each
other’s hands and meet each other with hearts full of love. Let your wisdom guide you.
You are the people of the state that Prophet Muhammed referred to when He said: “May God bless our
Yemen”. So why do you do what you have been doing to your blessed country?
Think about what your country has come to from separation, fighting, and killing. Think of the common
good rather than personal interests, and renounce sectarianism and fragmentation.
Come to a common conclusion that you agree on, in the interest of your honourable people who have
suffered so much from the scourge of this useless war; the war that will only leave behind destruction
and ruin. Put all your differences on the proverbial table of dialogue, reason, wisdom and equity.
Agree among each other as a family and as loved ones and then surrender to the peace and enter it with
all the force you can muster as it is in the benefit of your country and the future of your civilisation that
flourishes like a garden; as you enjoy the goodness of the land and the forgiveness of God.
With all the love and pride, we look forward to the certainty that wisdom is rightful. And we are ready to
do all that is needed to achieve reconciliation and stop the bloodshed and return to the peace and
prosperity of your beloved country.
H.E. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed